Inorganic Chemistry

1. A molecular orbital is ----------
a)Monocentric b)dicentric c)tricentric d)polycentric

Ans : d)polycentric

2. The electron density within a molecule is given by the expression ---
a)Ψ=φ1+φ2 b)Ψ=φ1-φ2 c)Ψ²=φ1²+φ2²+φ1+φ2 d)Ψ²=φ1²+φ2²-φ1+φ2

Ans : c)Ψ²=φ1²+φ2²+φ1+φ2

3. When the wave functions of atomic orbitals have similar signs, they result into the
formation of --------
a)Bonding MO b)Antibonding MO
c)Nonbonding MO d)Linear MO

Ans : bonding MO

4. A π bond is formed by the overlap of -------- orbitals (considering x-axis a inter-
nuclear axis)
a)s-s b)s-p c)Px-Px d)Py-Py

Ans : d)Py-Py

5. The stabilisation energy in H+ ion is --------
a)0 b)-β c)-2β d)-4β

Ans : b)-β

6. The bond order in He2+ ion is --------
a)1/2 b)1 c)3/2 d)2

Ans : a)1/2

7. Which property is more in Li2 than in H2?

a)bond order b)bond energy c)bond length d)magnetism

Ans : c)bond length

8. On the basis of bond strength which molecule is more stable ?
a)C₂ b)
N₂ c)Od)F2

Ans : b)N₂

9. In which species, the bond length is more ?
a)O2 b)O2+ c)O2- d)O22-

Ans : d)O22-

10. Which molecule is most polar ?
a)CO b)HCl c)NO d)HF

Ans : b)HCl

11. Metal ions with coordination number 4 shows ...... geometry.
a) octahedron b) tetrahedral or square planar
c) distorted octahedron d) tetragonal.

Ans : b) tetrahedral or square planar

12, When coordination number of metal ion is known its ...... can be predicted.
a) geometry b) properties c) oxidation state d) isomerism

Ans : a) geometry

13. When all six M—L bonds are equivalent, then it forms a......
a) regular octahedron (b) distorted octahedron
(c) tetragon (d) none of these geometries

Ans : a) regular octahedron

14. Thermodynamic stability of a complex depends upon .....
a) Size of the metal ion b) basic character of a ligand c) strength of M-L bond d) Charge density on the metal ion.

Ans : c) strength of M-L bond

15. Thermodynamically stable complex is kinetically.......

a) inert b) strong c) weak d) labile

Ans : d) labile

16. Kinetic stability is mainly concemed with ......of chemical reactions.
a) rates or speed b) strength of M-L bond
c) weakness d) stability

Ans : a) rates or speed

17. A stability constant is a measure of extent of .......
a) dissociation b) association c) speed of reaction d) inertness of a complex

Ans : b) association

Industrial Chemistry

18. Catalyst used for the manufacture of ammonia is .........
(a) chromium (b) iron c) manganese d) promoted iron

Ans : promoted iron

19. Producer gas is a mixture of .........
a) CO + N2 b) CO + H2
c) CO + CO2 d) N2 + He

Ans : a) CO + N2

20. Water gas is made from .........
a) coke and air b) coke and steam
c) water d) coke and CO

Ans : b) coke and steam

21. % conversion of ammonia is found to ......... with increase of pressure.
a) increase b) decrease
c) remain constant d) first increases then decreases

Ans : a) increase

22. Too high space velocity is not desirable because ------
a) it decreases the rate of reaction
b) it increases the rate of reaction
c) it disturbs thermal balance of converter
d) none of these

Ans : c) it disturbs thermal balance of converter

23. Sulphuric acid is made by ........

a) Haber process b) Brickland process
c) Ostwald process d) Contact process

Ans : d) Contact process

24. Purification of reacting gases is not required used as a Starting material 

a) pure air b) pure sulphur
c) pure pyrite d) pure air and pure sulphur

Ans : d) pure air and pure sulphur

25. Which one of the following is an oxidizing acid ?
a) HNO3 b) H2SO4
c) HCl d) CH3COOH

Ans : a) HNO3

26. Nitric acid obtained by Ostwald proces is...
a) 100% b) 80% c) 60% d) 90%

Ans : c) 60%

27. Ammonia is prepared by

a) ostwald’s process b) Contact proces
c) Bosch Haber process d) None of these

Ans : c) Bosch Haber process

28. The catalyst used in the manufacture of nitric acid by ostwald’s process

a) Pt b) Pt-Rh c) Fe2O3 d) V2O5

Ans : b) Pt-Rh

29. Nitric acid is manufactured by

a) ostwald’s process b) contact process
c) Bosch Haber process d) All of these

Ans : a) ostwald’s process

30. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is used as......

a) flavour enhancers b) sugar substitutes c) preservative (d) food colors

Ans : a) flavour enhancers

31. The structure of amylose consists of glucose units linked by ......

a) α-1,4-linkage b) β-1,4-linkage

c) α-1,6-linkage d) both (a) and (c)

Ans : a) α-1,4-linkage

32. The structure of amylopectin consists of glucose units linked by ......

a) α-1,4-linkage b) β-1,4-linkage

c) α-1,6-linkage d) both (a) and (c)
Ans : d) both (a) and (c)
33. The structure of cellulose consists of glucose units linked by ......
a) α-1,4-linkage b) β-1, 4-linkage
c) α-1,6-linkage d) both (a) and (c)
Ans : b) β-1, 4-linkage
34. The removal of water from liquid food is called as ......
a) food drying b) food concentration
c) food dehydration d) none of these
Ans : b) food concentration
35. If processing of tea withering and fermentation step is omitted then tea
formed is ......
a) Black tee b) Green tea
c) Oolong tea d) none of these
Ans : c) Oolong tea

36. The amount of heat liberated by burning unit weight or unit volume of the fuel

a) Coke Number b) Calorific value

c) Octane number d) Cetane number

Ans : b) Calorific value

37. The amount of heat required to

raise temperature of one pound of

water through 1°F is...

a) BTU b) KCU c) CHU d) None of these

Ans : a) BTU

38. The amount of heat required to

raise temperature of one Kg of

water from 15-16°C is...

a) BTU b) KCU c) CHU d) None of these

Ans : b) KCU

39. The amount of heat required to raise temperature of one pound of water through 1°C is...

a) BTU b) KCU c) CHU d) None of these

Ans : c) CHU

40. The temperature at which a solid, liquid or gaseous fuel catches fire and

continues to burn without further heat called....

a) Ignition temperature b) Flash point

c) Fire point d) None of these

Ans : a) Ignition temperature

41. Minimum temperature at which an oil gives sufficient amount of vapour so as to form an explosive mixture with air called....

a) Ignition temperature  b) Flash point c)Fire point d) None of these

Ans : b) Flash point

42. The temperature at which oil vapours catch fire and continue to burn..

a) Ignition temperature b) Flash point

c) Fire point d) None of these

Ans : c) Fire point

43. The typical antiknock agents in use is/are ......

a) Tetra-ethyl lead b) Ferrocene

c) Iron Pentacarbonyl d) All of these

Ans : a) Tetra-ethyl lead

44. BTX is a mixture of

a) Ethylene, toluene, butane

b) Benzene, toluene, xylene

c) Xylene, hexane, Propene

d) Toluene, ethene Naphtha

Ans : b) Benzene, toluene, xylene

45. Toluene is a raw material in the Manufacture of...

a) Benzaldehyde b) Benzoic acid

c) TNT d) All of these

Ans : d) All of these

46. Chemical Produced from ethylene is

a) Pvc b) actylonitrite c) Epoxy resin d) styrene

Ans : d) styrene

47. One BTU is equal to...

a) 1055 kJoules b) 252 Calories

c) 1.055 Joules d) one Pound

Ans : b) 252 Calories

48. Glass easily reacts with .......

a) water b) HCl c) HNO3 d) HF

Ans : d) HF

49. Glass is.......
a) semiconductor b) insulator c) good conductor d) none of these

Ans : b) insulator

50. Which one of the following materials provides many constituents for making glass .......
a) feldspar b) borax c) soda ash d) limestone

Ans : a) feldspar

51. Cryolite is .......
a) Na3AlF6 b) Sb203 c) Na2HPO4 d) As2O3

Ans : a) Na3AlF6

52. Sheet glass is generally made by .......
a) pressing b) blowing c) drawing d) pressing and blowing

Ans : c) drawing

53. In neem oil contain ...... bioactive compound.
a) Azadirachtin b) Karanjin
c) Triterpenoid d) Triglycerides

Ans : a) Azadirachtin
54. In Karanj oil contain ...... bioactive compound.
a) Azadirachtin b) Karanjin
c) Triterpenoid d) Triglycerides

Ans : b) Karanjin

55. Bordeaux mixture is ...... type of pesticide.
a) Insecticide b) Fungicides
c) Herbicides d) Rodenticides

Ans : b) Fungicides

56. Type of plant growth regulators of ethephon is .....
a) Auxins b) Cytokinins
c) Ethylene d) Growth inhibitors

Ans : c) Ethylene

57. The chemicals used to control certain Pest animals are called as.....,
a) Insecticides b) Herbicides
c) Fungicides d) Rodenticides

Ans : d) Rodenticides

58. Commercialization of a chemical reaction is a development of ........ .
a) unit process b) unit operation
c) bath process d) process control

Ans : a) unit process

59. Quality control department is related to ........ .
a) cost of product b) sale of product
c) planning of process d) uniformity of product

Ans : d) uniformity of product

60. Control of process variables such as concentration, temperature, pressure etc is called ........
a) quality control b) process control
c) pollution control d) quality assurance

Ans : b) process control

61. Amount of reactant chemically converted to the product is called ........
a) yield b) selectivity
c) conversion d) none of above
Ans : c) conversion

62. The right granted to any one who invents or discover any new and useful
process is called ......
a) Copyright Act b) Patent Act
c) Trademark Act d) None of these
Ans : b) Patent Act

63. To get the desired product in an economic way is called .....
a) quality control b) process control
c) unit process d) pollution control
Ans : c) unit process

64. Monitor of process variables such as condensation, temperature, pressure etc is called ......
a) quality control b) process control
c) quality control d) pollution control
Ans : b) process control

65. A set of exclusive rights granted by a government to protection of intellectual property to the creators of original work is called ......

a) Copyright Act b) Patent Act
c) Trademark Act d) None of the above
Ans : a) Copyright Act

66. The major role of Human Resource Department (HRD) is ......
a) planning regarding human capital
b) planning regarding net profit
c) planning regarding working capital
d) planning regarding safety
Ans : a) planning regarding human capital

67. TM Sign is used for a ...... trademark

a) unregistered trademark b) registered trademark c) original trademark d) none of the above
Ans : a) unregistered trademark

68. Manufacture of chemical products requires ......
a) machinery b) raw materials
c) catalyst d) all of the above

Ans : d) All of the above


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