

Inorganic Chemistry 1. A molecular orbital is ---------- a)Monocentric b)dicentric c)tricentric d)polycentric Ans : d)polycentric 2. The electron density within a molecule is given by the expression --- a)Ψ=φ1+φ2 b)Ψ=φ1-φ2 c)Ψ²=φ1²+φ2²+φ1+φ2 d)Ψ²=φ1²+φ2²-φ1+φ2 Ans : c)Ψ²=φ1²+φ2²+φ1+φ2 3. When the wave functions of atomic orbitals have similar signs, they result into the formation of -------- a)Bonding MO b)Antibonding MO c)Nonbonding MO d)Linear MO Ans : bonding MO 4. A π bond is formed by the overlap of -------- orbitals (considering x-axis a inter- nuclear axis) a)s-s b)s-p c)Px-Px d)Py-Py Ans : d)Py-Py 5. The stabilisation energy in H+ ion is -------- a)0 b)-β c)-2β d)-4β Ans : b)-β 6. The bond order in  He 2 + ion is -------- a)1/2 b)1 c)3/2 d)2 Ans : a)1/2 7. Which property is more in  Li 2   than in  H 2 ? a)bond order b)bond energy c)bond length d)magnetism Ans : c)bond length 8. On the basis of bond strength which molecule is more stab...

Physical Chemistry

Phase rule Two Component System I] Silver Lead System ●In this system there are two components. If we consider single phase then F=C-P+2 F=2-1+2 F=3 ●Therefore three variables are possible ie Temperature pressure and concentration. ●In two component system solid and liquid equilibrium are important and vapour phase is almost negligible. ●Therefore this system studied by taking pressure constant. ●Only Temperature and concentration are considered as variables. ●Such kind of system known as condensed system. ●Generally carried out in absence of gas phase and at atmospheric pressure Therefore according to phase rule for condensed system Pressure=constant and C=2 F=C-P+1 F=2-P+1 F=3-P ●Where Temperature and concentration are variables. ●Therefore this phase diagram also known as temperature composition diagram. I) Point A and B is equal to melting point or freezing point of pure Ag and pure Pb respectively. II) Point C is known as eutectic point Temperature correspond to point C known as e...

Physical Chemistry

Phase rule One component system 2] Sulphur System Sulphur exists in four phases ie rhombic sulphur, monoclinic sulphur, liquid sulphur and vapour sulphur. Sulphur rhombic and sulphur monoclinic are allotropes of sulphur. Sr - Rhombic sulphur Sl - Liquid sulphur Sm - Monoclinic sulphur Sv - sulphur vapours In phase diagram of sulphur system we have Six Stable curves (OB,OA,AE,OC,AC,CF) Four areas (BOCF,OAC,FCAE,BOAE) Four metastable curve (GO,OD,DA,DC) Three triple point (O,A,C) Point O ( T=95.6°C and P=0.006mmHg) On point 'O' Three phases are in equilibrium ie Sr  ⇌ Sm  ⇌ Sv Point A (T=120°C and P=0.04mmHg) On point A Three phases are in equilibrium ie Sm  ⇌ Sl  ⇌ Sv Point C (T=151°C and 1288 atm) On point C Three phases are in equilibrium ie Sr  ⇌ Sm  ⇌ Sl Metastable triple point (D) (T=115°C and P=0.03mmHg) On the point D three phases are in equilibrium ie Sr  ⇌ Sl  ⇌ Sv By applying phase rule for triple point and metastable triple point we...

Physical Chemistry

Phase rule One component system 1] Water System Water exists in three phases in water system ie solid water liquid water and water vapours. In water system four equilibrium seen 1) Solid water  ⇌  Liquid water 2) Solid water  ⇌  water vapours 3) Liquid water  ⇌  water vapours 4) Solid water  ⇌  liquid water water vapours           Phase diagram one component system The phase diagram of water system consists of Three stable curves (BO,OA,OC) Three areas (BOC,AOC,AOB) Metastable curve (OA') Triple point (O) Sublimation curve (BO) On this curve solid water is in equilibrium with water vapours. Solid water  ⇌ water vapour By applying phase rule for curve BO F=C-P+2             (C=1 and P=2) F=1-2+2 F=1 As the value of degree of freedom is one the system on curve is univariant or Monovariant. Freezing or melting curve (OC) On this curve solid water is in equilibrium with liquid water. sol...

Physical Chemistry

Phase rule Phase (P) Phase is define as homogeneous physically distinct and mechanically separable part of the system. Component (C) Minimum number of independent species necessary to define composition of all phases of the system. Degree of freedom (F) number of variables such as temperature pressure and concentration taken in consideration and are fixed in order to define the system. Gibbs Phase Rule   If the equilibrium between the phases is influenced only by temperature pressure and concentration then the degree of freedom related to component and phases of the system is given by  F=C-P+2 Where    F- degree of freedom                 C- number of components in system                 P- number of phases in system                 2- variables ( temperature and pressure or temperature and concentration) Example- Water System When three state of wa...


TYBSC CHEMISTRY SYLLABUS PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Physical Chemistry SEM I 1. Chemical Kinetics 2. Electrolytic Conductance 3. Investigation of Molecular Structure 4. Phase Rule Physical Chemistry SEM II 1. Electrochemical Cells 2. Nuclear Chemistry 3. Crystal Structure 4. Quantum Chemistry ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Organic Chemistry SEM I  1. Strength of organic acids and bases 2. Stereochemistry of disubstituted cyclohexane 3. Nucleophilic substitution at aliphatic Carbon 4. Reactions of unsaturated hydrocarbons and carbon oxygen double bond 5. Elimination Reactions 6. Aromatic Electrophilic and Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions  Organic Chemistry SEM II 1. Carbanions and their reactions 2. Retrosynthetic analysis and applications 3. Rearrangement reactions 4. Spectroscopic methods in structure determination of Organic compounds 5. Natural Products INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Inorganic Chemistry SEM I 1. Molecular Orbital Theory 2. Coordination Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry SEM II 1. Chemistry ...